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12:44 pm | March 10, 2025
The Green Page
A Rare Species of Platypus in Australia in Existential Crisis
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Problems

A Rare Species of Platypus in Australia in Existential Crisis

Climate change: A rare species of Platypus in Australia in existential crisis

–Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir

Australia’s vast forests have already been ravaged by the burning bushfire of the country. Millions of wild animals have already died in the devastating fire. The vast forests, including countless tropical plants, were destroyed by fire.

Platypus, a rare species of mammal in Australia, is on the verge of extinction due to climate change. This information was recently published in the journal named Biological Conservation. Researchers from the Australian University of New South Wales (UNSW) said that the Platypus was once scattered throughout the mainland of Eastern Australia and Tasmania.

Researchers also said that their presence was usually not easy to detect because of their natural nocturnal behaviour. Basically, habitat change, climate change, earthquake, bushfire, drought, etc. have been explained as the main reasons behind the extinction of the Platypus.

The researchers also feared that rare species of mammals would be permanently extinct in the future if they did not make any new reforms in the dam reservation, water, and irrigation systems.

Meanwhile, according to data from the University of Sydney’s environmentalists, nearly 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles have already died in Australia’s devastating bushfire since last year. Although it is feared that the actual number is even higher.

Source: Gree Page (Bangla)

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