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Dhaka, Bangladesh
2:14 am | January 25, 2025
The Green Page
the environment is being destroyed by the toxic fumes of brick kilns
Bangladesh Environment Protection

The environment is being destroyed by the toxic fumes of brick kilns

The environment is being destroyed by the toxic fumes of brick kilns

Brick kilns in Bangladesh are rapidly expanding, resembling the spread of a frog’s umbrella. And the toxic fumes of these brick kilns are destroying the environment, people are suffering from various incurable diseases. Brick kilns are being targeted in operations, with fines and closures imposed on their owners.

However, despite efforts, the campaign against illegal brick kilns has not been effective. In fact, the number of these illegal brick kilns is actually increasing in Bangladesh. Sealed brick kilns are back in full swing after being closed for some time. Toxic black smoke is spreading.

A report states that 60% of the country’s brick kilns are operating illegally without environmental clearance. It is seen that most of the kilns are burning native trees for making bricks. Cropland soil is being freely used. Forestry is being destroyed, and agriculture is suffering at the same time.

Black smoke from wood burning is polluting the environment. The brick kiln authorities are using a method that is illegal, burning trees and using cropland despite knowing it is against the law. Allegedly, these illegal kilns have been going on for years by managing the local administration.

The Environment Protection Act, 2010 and the Brick Kiln Control Act, 2013 state that no brick kiln can be built within one kilometer of residential areas, hills, forests and wetlands. Brick kilns are also illegal on agricultural land. However, almost 100% of brick kilns in the country do not comply with any of these.

The Department of Environment in Bangladesh report shows 7,86 brick kilns exist in the country. Out of these, 4,505 brick kilns operate without the necessary environmental clearance.

About 3 crore 5 million bricks are being produced in these brick kilns. These brick kilns require 13 million metric tons of soil per year. Basically, bricks are made by cutting the fertile part above the agricultural land.

Brick kilns are causing damage to crops and health problems for people nearby. A large amount of ash is produced due to burning of wood in these brick kilns. On the other hand, polluting elements are also added to the atmosphere from brick kilns.

Among these pollutants, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide and carbon dioxide are constantly being released into the atmosphere. In 2013, over 53,333 tonnes of ParticulateMatter-10 (PM10) were released into the atmosphere from brick kilns in the greater Dhaka region.

On the other hand, 17 thousand 557 tons of Particulate Matter-2.5 (PM2.5) and more than 59 thousand 221 tons of sulfur oxides have been added to the atmosphere.

If these pollutants keep being released into the air, it may increase health risks without control. So, the government should now take strict action against these illegal brick kilns.

To ensure food security, we must stop using agricultural soil in brick kilns and prevent the destruction of agricultural land. Illegal and environment-polluting brick kilns should face strict legal action, including measures to stop cutting trees and burning wood as fuel for the kilns. The government should carry out a massive campaign highlighting the disadvantages of brick kilns.

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