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1:37 am | March 29, 2025
The Green Page
using plastic will cause arresting in bidhannagar, india
Aivee Akther International Environment

Using plastic will cause arresting in Bidhannagar, India

Using plastic will cause arresting in Bidhannagar, India


Despite repeated calls, it violated the ban on single-use plastics. Krishna Chakraborty, Mayor of Bidhannagar, India, has warned that if this continues, he will close the shop from next week and take strict action like imposing fines.

Banibrata Bandyopadhyay, Mayor council (Health) of Bidhannagar, has warned to take more stringent measures to violate the ban. He said that the accused would arrest if seen using plastics despite repeated warnings.

Banibrata Bandyopadhyay launched a campaign against plastics by visiting various markets and shops in Bidhannagar.

He asked gentle questions to shopkeepers with a soft like asking if they were using plastics or paper. However, after seeing plastics in some shops, he took an immediate step.

Seeing the vegetables in the vegetable shop filled with thin plastic, Banibratbabu emptied the plastic by himself and confiscated it.

Then, when he saw groceries, vegetables, fish-meat-any store having less than 75 microns of thick plastic, he emptied their belongings and seized the plastic bags.

He said in a warning tone, “I saw it today. I did not say anything. After that I will close the shop as soon as I see it, I will inform the police and take it away.

There will be a fine. We will come again. If we find plastic in any shop, we will charge them, if necessary, arrest them. ‘A fine of Rs.500 will charge to sellers and Rs.50 from buyers.”

According to the decision taken at the board meeting of Bidhannagar Purnigam, plastics less than 75 microns thick have been banned in Bidhannagar since May 1, 2022. Since then, plastic bags have not been seen in most places in Salt Lake, Newtown, Keshtpur, and Baguiatir. Instead of Plastic bags, people use paper or cloth bags.

However, despite the ban in some places, the news that plastic use comes to Purnigam. After that, the mayor gave the message to take strict action. The mayor’s council took part in the campaign. He said we would carry out the campaign in 41 wards to make Bidhannagar a plastic-free city.

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