30 C
Dhaka, Bangladesh
3:23 pm | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
Agriculture Aivee Akther

Countries like Bangladesh are struggling to cope with climate damage

Desk Reporter
Countries like Bangladesh are struggling to cope with climate damage The damage due to climate change is intensifying in Bangladesh. Bangladesh cannot bear the loss of rising sea levels and increasing storms and floods. As global temperatures rise, this damage will increase. It is necessary to increase the funds for......
Agriculture Bangladesh Environment Pollution

By looking at the Buriganga river, it can easily understand that what’s the country’s environment?

Desk Reporter
By looking at the Buriganga river, it can easily understand that what’s the country’s environment? What kind of people we are, what kind of government we have, what kind of environment the country has can be understood by looking at the river Buriganga. There were so many canals in Dhaka......
Agriculture Amila Khan Bangladesh

Inauguration of construction work of the country’s first hydrogen production plant

Desk Reporter
Inauguration of construction work of the country’s first hydrogen production plant By Amila khan The country’s first hydrogen energy research center is being set up in Chittagong to produce hydrogen fuel. The Bangladesh Council of Science and Industry (BCSIR) inaugurated this hydrogen production plant’s work on Wednesday, January 2021. A......
Agriculture Amila Khan Environmental Problems

The threat of desert-locust infestation again in Africa, the spread of billions of descendants

Desk Reporter
The threat of desert-locust infestation again in Africa, the spread of billions of descendants By Amila Khan Last year, locust infestations caused extensive crop damage in East Africa. It is said that this has never happened in the history of the past 70 years. The United Nations has warned that......
Agriculture Bangladesh Zeba Tarannum

More than 5 lakh People Died in 40 Years due to various Disasters; Disaster Increases urge to increase Food Stocks

Desk Reporter
More than 5 lakh People Died in 40 Years due to various Disasters; Disaster Increases urge to increase Food Stocks By Zeba Tarannum According to a United Nations report, more than 500,000 people have died in Bangladesh in the last 40 years due to various disasters, including floods and cyclones.......
Agriculture Bangladesh

IFPRA’s World Hunger Index: Bangladesh’s Great Progress in Hunger-free Fighting

Desk Reporter
IFPRA’s World Hunger Index: Bangladesh’s Great Progress in Hunger-free Fighting By Adnan Mahfuz This year, Bangladesh ranks 75th among 107 countries in the world hunger index. Last year, Bangladesh was ranked 88th out of 117 countries. Bangladesh has made great strides in the fight against hunger in the last one......
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Agriculture Biodiversity

Harmful plastic in the fish stomach in the Bay of Bengal, Human health at risk

Desk Reporter
Harmful plastic in the fish stomach in the Bay of Bengal, Human health at risk By Adnan Mahfuz Plastic particles are extremely harmful material for the human body. It causes various diseases in the human body. According to health experts, plastic particles are harmful not only to humans but also......
Agriculture Environment Protection Sadman Sad

Helicopters will use to Monitor mother Hilsa: Livestock Minister

Desk Reporter
Helicopters will use to Monitor mother Hilsa: Livestock Minister By Sadman Sad Bangladesh: Advocate S.M. Rezaul Karim, Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, has said that the operation of saving mother Hilsa fish will e monitored by law enforcement agencies as well as helicopters. He said this while talking to reporters......

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