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9:34 pm | February 18, 2025
The Green Page
countries like bangladesh are struggling to cope with climate damage
Agriculture Aivee Akther

Countries like Bangladesh are struggling to cope with climate damage

Countries like Bangladesh are struggling to cope with climate damage


The damage due to climate change is intensifying in Bangladesh. Bangladesh cannot bear the loss of rising sea levels and increasing storms and floods. As global temperatures rise, this damage will increase.

It is necessary to increase the funds for a country like Bangladesh from various sectors, including the UN climate fund. The latest report of the IPCC panel of scientists on climate change has stated these concerns and recommendations.

The report, released by the IPCC Working Group II, said that by the middle of this century, 0.9 to 2.1 million people in the southern part of Bangladesh could be homeless.

Rising sea levels alone could reduce agricultural production in some parts of the country by 31 to 40 percent in the current century. For the same reason, one-third of the country’s power plants may need to relocate.

On the other hand, due to climate change and increasing demand for water, 10 percent of the people are currently in a water crisis. By 2050, it could increase to 25 percent. At the same time, the severity of floods in the Ganges and Brahmaputra basins coming from the upper reaches of Bangladesh may increase.

In this regard, Kazi Khaliquzzaman Ahmed, a former member of IPCC and chairman of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), said, “Bangladesh is trying its best to adapt to climate change. However, realizing that this is not enough, the situation is getting worse, Bangladesh needs to adopt climate policy and plans.”

Climate change will affect the international commodity supply system, the market system, the financial sector, and the commercial sector. Due to this, Bangladesh products’ availability will decrease, and prices will increase.

At the same time, the export market of Bangladeshi products may collapse. The collapse of agricultural production, critical infrastructure crises, and rising commodity prices could create overall financial uncertainty.

Raushan Ara Begum, one of the coordinators and lead author of the IPCC Scientific Team, said, “It is clear from this report that Bangladesh is one of the riskiest countries in the world due to rising sea level. Therefore, more funds should allocate Bangladesh from the International Climate Fund to the adaptation sector to address climate risks.”

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