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climate change is having adverse effects on livestock
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Climate change is having adverse effects on livestock

Climate change is having adverse effects on livestock

Climate change is one of the biggest global challenges of our time. ‘Climate change is not just an environmental problem; it is an existential crisis for humanity’—do we realize this truth?

The Earth’s average temperature has risen, leading to environmental disasters, harm to biodiversity, and negative impacts on livestock.

Climate change significantly affects livestock, threatening food security and the agricultural economy. Increasing temperatures, erratic rainfall and environmental changes have significant adverse effects on the health, productivity and reproductive capacity of livestock.

Climate change symptoms in dairy cattle include lower feed intake, decreased milk and milk fat production, higher respiratory rates, increased body temperature, and decreased reproductive capacity.

Increased temperatures cause heat stress in the animals, which reduces their performance. Due to low food intake, animals do not get enough energy, resulting in reduced working capacity or productivity.

In addition, the pregnancy rate decreases and the body weight of calves born is low. If animals do not receive adequate nutrition, the nutritional value of milk or meat decreases.

Due to physical stress, animals produce less milk or the quality of meat decreases. Milk production decreases by 65 percent due to the direct effect of excessive heat. Additionally, the protein content in milk decreases.

Changes in temperature and humidity due to climate change increase the spread of pathogens and parasites. New viruses and bacteria are affecting animals in changing environments.

Animals are easily susceptible to infection due to reduced immunity. The concentration of immunoglobulins in colostrum also decreases.

The indirect effects of climate change can cause widespread changes in livestock and agricultural systems. The common symptoms that are occurring as a result of the effects are:

  1. Changes in soil fertility: Soil moisture decreases due to changes in rainfall patterns and drought. Nutrient deficiencies affect soil fertility, which hinders animal feed production.
  2. Environmental changes: Temperature increases and atmospheric changes are changing pastures, forests and other natural ecosystems. The ecological balance is disrupted, creating challenges for livestock farming.
  3. Competition for resources is rising between humans and animals over food, water, and pastures. This competition for livelihoods on limited resources creates crises, especially in rural areas.
  4. Changes in food crop production, quality and type: Crop growth and yield are dependent on climate. Crop production decreases due to drought or floods. The quality of food crops decreases, leading to a lack of suitable nutritious feed for animals.
  5. Temperature and humidity changes reduce pasture productivity. Reduced grass or fodder production leads to nutritional deficiencies in livestock.
  6. New diseases are emerging because environmental changes are increasing the spread of disease-carrying insects. New germs and diseases emerge, which have an adverse effect on the health of animals.

What needs to be done in the care of livestock due to climate change is:

  1. Protect animals from heat and strong sunlight.
  2. Planting shade trees for livestock.
  3. Creating open and ventilated sheds, which protect animals from humidity and direct sunlight.
  4. Clean and paint the shed roof white.
  5. Bathing animals with cold water 1 to 2 times a day helps keep them cool on hot days, especially buffaloes.
  6. Provide clean water for animals and change it several times a day.
  7. Provide cooling devices such as fans, coolers, and fountains. Offer fresh, light, and easily digestible food.
  8. Feed in the morning and evening when temperatures are cooler: before 10 AM in summer and after 4-5 PM.
  9. Graze in the field in the morning or evening in cold weather if it is not winter.
  10. During summer, the risk of disease is high. Ensure regular vaccinations and health checks, and consult a veterinarian immediately if your pet gets sick.
  11. Keep the cowshed clean and take measures to prevent bad odor in summer.
  12. Select heat-tolerant breeds for cattle (Shahiwal, Brahma, Zebu cattle are considered heat-tolerant cattle breeds).

The impact of climate change is creating new crises in the lives of cattle. However, awareness, scientific methods and the attitude of working in a collective effort will help us meet this challenge.

Joint efforts are needed from the government, farmers and researchers to reduce the impact of climate change. Let’s collaborate to create a safe and sustainable environment for future generations that protects all lives.

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