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8:05 pm | February 23, 2025
The Green Page
Natural carbon purification is possible
Agriculture Aivee Akther

Natural carbon purification is possible

Natural carbon purification is possible


Scientists fear that global warming will be a factor in the extinction of life on Earth. Even Stephen Hawking has said that if human settlements on any other planet in the universe could not be possible, human civilization might not exist in the next 300 years.

In this context, everyone is saying that if it cannot limit global warming to 2 degrees rise by 2050, global warming will become irreversible, and the destruction of human civilization will become inevitable.

Is there any way to do anything to limit the rising warming? Yes, of course, we have something to do. The rate of carbon emissions should reduce to the expected level.

There is good news in this situation. Scientists informed that there found a type of black rock in the mountains of Oman, which is turning into hard rock by absorbing carbon from the air. Scientists termed it – the process of carbon mineralization or the synthesis of carbon in minerals.

Mainly Peridotite rock can absorb carbon from the air. These rocks usually form a solid layer at the bottom of the ocean. This layer moved to the surface of the Oman region when Tectonics Plates collided about 4.7 billion years ago.

In Oman, this particular rock can absorb at least 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year. Of course, it is nothing more than a necessity. At present, the world’s carbon emissions are about 4 trillion tons per year. A few other countries also have peridotite rocks.

carbon emissions into the air, the leading cause of global warming; if we can limit it naturally, it will be a breakthrough. Scientists are now experimenting with this particular natural process.

We need to find more ways to absorb the excess carbon from the atmosphere. However, there is no alternative to reducing the rate of carbon emissions.

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