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10:41 pm | March 14, 2025
The Green Page
Farmers Hopes Bumper Yield of Onion in Puthia, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Agriculture Sadia Noor Portia

Farmers’ Hope of the Bumper Yield of Onion in Puthia

Farmers’ Hope of the Bumper Yield of Onion in Puthia, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

By Sadia Noor Portia (7th semester – English Department,
Independent University, Bangladesh)

Farmers of Puthia, Rajshahi have planted onions in about 4,200 hectares of land in six Unions and Municipal areas in this season. Of which the advanced varieties of onion are being cultivated on 850 hectares.

About 95,000 metric tons of onion are expected to be produced if the weather is continued favourable and will withstand disease. Last year, onions were planted on a total of 3,400 hectares land.

Farmers Hopes Bumper Yield of Onion in Puthia, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Farmers Hopes Bumper Yield of Onion in Puthia, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

A Total of 68,850 metric tons of onion were yield. This year onions are being planted on about 800 hectares of land than the last year.

Also, the marshy lands under famous onion cultivated villages of Valukagachi Union become under Onion cultivation this year.

On visiting in the field, the farmers informed that they are happy because of high yielding and high prices of onion. This year onion cultivation has changed the fate of hundreds of poor farmers in the area.

The onion market has been outstanding from the beginning of this season. Farmers’ interest has increased a lot due to the demand and the right price in the market. As a result, onions have been planted in about twice the amount the land than the last year.

Shamsunhar Bhuiyan, Upazila Agriculture Officer of Puthia, said that farmers planted more onions this year as compared to last year due to getting good prices.

Onion farmers are being provided with training and advice about seeds and onion cultivation. There is an expectancy of the bumper yield of onion if the weather condition remains favourable.

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