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The Bunia Virus A New Infectious Disease Spreading Like COVID 19
Health Sadman Sad The Bunia Virus

The Bunia Virus: A New Infectious Disease Spreading Like COVID 19

The Bunia Virus: A New Infectious Disease Spreading Like COVID 19

Sadman Sad

Another severe virus has struck Inthei in Jiangsu province and Anhui province of China. The disease is called the Fever Youth Thrombocytomania Syndrome, SFTS. Seven people have already died in the epidemic.

Another 60 people were affected. China sees a cloud of vermilion due to such an attack of a virus called ‘Bunia virus’! Because experts warn, the virus can spread from person to person through contact.

Based on previous infections, the virus can transmit from infected animals or humans to others. The virus also spread through blood, respiratory tract, and wounds.

Sheng Jiefang, a Bunia virus specialist and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine-approved hospital, made the announcement. China’s local media Global Times published a report on the issue.

Sheng said one patient died of the Bunia virus three years ago. The dead patient infected 18 people. All 18 were in contact with the infected patient. One in 18 people died of the Bunia virus again.

He added that people should not go to the bushes and forests. Fortunately, the carriers of this virus cannot fly. It is only safe to avoid their territory.

Meanwhile, a report published in China’s official mouthpiece Global Times said that the local health commission of Luan County in the eastern Chinese province of Anhui had confirmed the spread of the contagious disease on Friday night. According to the report, SFTS is a tick-borne disease caused by a new bunia virus.

Although the Global Times claims the disease is an “emerging” new disease, various studies have shown that the disease has reported in different parts of China since at least 2010. A study published in the journal Nature last year claimed that a total of 5,360 SFTS cases had confirmed in China between 2011 and 2016.

It is said that in most cases, the disease affects people in their 40s and 60s. The virus was reported in 2011 in 98 counties in China. In 2016, that number increased to 16

Ref: GreenPage Bangle

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