25 C
Dhaka, Bangladesh
10:18 pm | February 18, 2025
The Green Page
The Turag River
Bangladesh Sadia Noor Portia

The Turag River – declared ECA of Bangladesh on the way to disappear

The Turag River – declared ECA of Bangladesh on the way to disappear

-Sadia Noor Portia

The rivers of riverine country Bangladesh are losing due to dirt-rubbish, occupancy, and pollution. Especially the rivers of Dhaka have turned into canals and drains of few feet.

Turag River is an important lifeline for Dhaka city. It was declared as an Ecological critical area with 3 other rivers (the Buriganga, the Sitalakya, and the Balu) around the capital Dhaka in 2009 by the Government of Bangladesh.

One of the importance of its existence is waterway transportation, carrying construction materials and goods. The existence of the Turag River is losing day by day.


The main reason for this is navigability, illegal occupation and pollution. The river looks like a drain nowadays. The garbage is dumped into the water. The water has become stinky. The air smells bad.

The environment here is not good. Many of those who pass through this road get sick. Construction work is currently underway next to the river. There will be walkways and forestry.

Turag River will soon disappear if the river water is not cleansed as well as no arrangements are made to return its navigability. If the government not taken proper immediate initiative the river will disappear with a short time.

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