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1:47 am | February 9, 2025
The Green Page
The Victoria - World largest Water Fall is dying due to Climate Change
International Environment

The Victoria – World largest Water Fall is dying due to Climate Change

The Victoria – World largest Water Fall is dying due to Climate Change

– Rahil Khan

Victoria, once the world’s largest waterfall, was called “The Smoke That Thunder” is dying today due to global climate change. The waterfall is located on the African border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. Due to the extreme drought in South Africa, the waterfall is now drying up.

Over the past few years, the decline of water flow has been a natural occurrence in the waterfall during the dry season, but this year it has released all records of water flow. The waterfall has several hydroelectric power plants in Zimbabwe and Zambia, and huge tourism businesses have developed around the waterfall. The waterfall has led to a collapse in tourism in both countries, including the production of electricity.

The Victoria - World largest Water Fall is dying due to Climate Chang
The Victoria – World largest Water Fall is dying due to Climate Change

In this regard, Zambian President Edgar Lungu said that Victoria Falls is drying up due to global climate change. He warns everyone that the waterfall may have disappeared at any time before it has fallen.

In an interview with Sky News, Lungu exclaimed, “Do we want to cross the Zambezi without the mighty Victoria Falls?”

He said “Climate change is a serious problem, a real difficult problem. Surprisingly, while some do not want to acknowledge it and say out loud, climate change is nothing. They are probably living on another planet. But we live in the Zambia, on this planet, where we directly experience the adverse effects of climate change. Which is also affecting everyone…everyone”

Lungu added that the solution to the aforementioned problems would be possible if the rich countries took the issue of climate change seriously and spoke out against it, as well as if they helped the poorest countries. Zambia is the kind of state that depends largely on hydropower.

Drought means millions of people in Zambia are going to go starve in the coming days. He added that we do not have time to do politics on this issue. This is a serious problem, a real problem for us. Since we live in this world, we are feeling the adverse effects of climate change and which is affecting everyone,… everyone”.

Last October, President of Zambia tweeted a few photos of the Victoria Falls’ minimal water falling scenes and expressed how difficult climate change will be for human survival and livelihoods.

Source: BBC.

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