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Dhaka, Bangladesh
8:22 pm | March 9, 2025
The Green Page
Aivee Akther International Environment

Nestlé will give 1 billion dollars to fight the effects of climate change

Desk Reporter
Nestlé will give 1 billion dollars to fight the effects of climate change To deal with the impact of climate change, big companies from different countries worldwide have started taking various steps. Nestlé, the world’s largest coffee producer, is not far behind. Nestlé plans to invest $1 billion in the......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Natural Environment

Bangladesh native birds are disappearing at an alarming rate

Desk Reporter
Bangladesh native birds are disappearing at an alarming rate Native birds are disappearing from nature at an alarming rate. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), more than seven hundred species of birds are in Bangladesh Among them, 39 species of birds are on the verge of......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environmental Features

Details discussion on River and Environmental pollution, including its disastrous effects on humankind, should include in a separate chapter in the textbooks of Bangladesh’s national curriculum

Desk Reporter
Details discussion on River and Environmental pollution, including its disastrous effects on humankind, should include in a separate chapter in the textbooks of Bangladesh’s national curriculum Various opinions have appeared in the relevant ministries of the government regarding the addition of new chapters related to rivers and environmental pollution in......
Aivee Akther Environmental crime

Ratargul’s (Bangladesh) Swamp Forest’s environment threaten by illegal sand extraction

Desk Reporter
Ratargul’s (Bangladesh) Swamp Forest’s environment threaten by illegal sand extraction Illegal sand extraction occurs in the Jalurmukh area of the Shari-Goyain River, close to the Ratargul Swamp Forest of the Goainghat Upazila of Sylhet. Unplanned sand mining has caused river erosion. As a result, Ratargul is now under threat. The......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environmental crime

The natural environment of Jaflong-Bishanakandi (Bangladesh) destroying for only leasing money of BDT.60 million a year

Desk Reporter
The natural environment of Jaflong-Bishanakandi (Bangladesh) destroying for only leasing money of BDT.60 million a year Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA), said, ‘The Jaflong -Bishanakandir rivers have been destroying for only leasing money of BDT 60.5 million per year. From 2014 to 2019,......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Protection

Bangladesh is most affected due to climate change: Minister of State for Maritime Affairs, Bangladesh

Desk Reporter
Bangladesh is most affected due to climate change: Minister of State for Maritime Affairs, Bangladesh Khaled Mahmud Chowdhury, State Minister of Shipping, said, “Bangladesh is at the bottom of climate disaster-prone country globally. We are one of the countries most affected by climate change.” He said this at a special......
Aivee Akther Environment Pollution

Greenhouse gas emissions due to leaks in gas pipelines, risk of environmental damage

Desk Reporter
Greenhouse gas emissions due to leaks in gas pipelines, risk of environmental damage Mysterious leaks in two of Russia’s main gas pipelines running through the Baltic Sea to Europe are causing greenhouse gas emissions. It has led to climate concerns and increased fears of environmental catastrophes. However, it is not......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Protection

Some unlicensed tanneries will shut down: Saber Hossain Chowdhury

Desk Reporter
Some unlicensed tanneries will shut down: Saber Hossain Chowdhury The parliamentary committee of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate change (MOEFCC), Bangladesh, along with the consent of other ministries, has decided to close some tanneries of Savar tannery estate that have never applied for environmental clearance and are unlikely......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Pollution

Residents of Chattogram city continue to suffer from frequent waterlogging

Desk Reporter
Residents of Chattogram city continue to suffer from frequent waterlogging M Zahirul Alam Dobhash, Chairman of Chittagong Development Authority (CDA), said, “The CDA is implementing the waterlogging project as the Chattogram City Corporation cannot do so. This project removed illegal structures from canals in the city. After the completion of......
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Protection

Demand to increase the use of renewable energy to protect the environment

Desk Reporter
Demand to increase the use of renewable energy to protect the environment Bangladeshi young climate activists called on the government and investors to withdraw from fossil fuel dependency. According to them, environmentally harmful activities should stop and encourage renewable energy for an energy-secure and sustainable Bangladesh. The climate strike program......

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