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Dhaka, Bangladesh
9:34 am | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

The Caspian Sea’s new terror, the subsurface mudslide

Desk Reporter
The Caspian Sea’s new terror, the subsurface mudslide The rhythm of mud, hot to the touch. Death is almost certain if you are unable to withstand the heat while moving around. This mudslide erupting from the Mud Volcano or muddy volcano is the new Caspian Sea terror. There has been......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

Climate change and its adverse consequences in Bangladesh

Desk Reporter
Climate change and its adverse consequences in Bangladesh Climate has been changing since the beginning of time, at least according to the geological timescale. As a result, this Earth Planet has experienced several ice ages and warm eras within the past one million years. Scientists studying Climate change have confirmed......
Environmental Science International Environment

Sheik Hasina gave world leaders four suggestions to keep the world alive

Desk Reporter
Sheik Hasina gave world leaders four suggestions to keep the world alive  By Adnan Tazvir Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presented four suggestions to the world leaders, including reducing carbon emissions to tackle climate change, ensuring US$100 billion annually in climate damage mitigation and rehabilitation, and focusing more on environmentally friendly......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

The role of Environmental Education in the Textbooks to Prevent Climate change

Desk Reporter
The role of Environmental Education in the Textbooks to Prevent Climate change Global warming, Climate change, and Environmental Pollution are ominous signs for the future world. Not just a single country or region but all the globe are at risk of climate change. Rising global warming accelerates the Sea level......
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Science International Environment

Canada and the USA is facing extreme heatwaves- the environment is in the face of danger

Desk Reporter
Canada and the USA is facing extreme heatwaves- the environment is in the face of danger  By Adnan Tazvir  In recent times, extreme heatwaves affected the weather in Canada and the United States. In the last few days, more than one and a half hundred people have died due to......
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Bangladesh Environmental Science

The environment and the 100 million people in Bangladesh is on track at risk

Desk Reporter
Glaciers are melting fast, the environment and the 100 million people in Bangladesh is on track at risk  By Adnan Tazvir This summer, the water flow in the Ganges, the Indus River, and  the Brahmaputra River have gradually increased. This situation has arisen due to the rapid melting of glaciers......
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Science

Environmental experts explain why lightning strikes so frequently

Desk Reporter
Environmental experts explain why lightning strikes so frequently By Adnan Tazvir Our misunderstanding regarding the lighting strikes since our childhood!  Lightning flashes and lightning strikes in the sky because of friction between the clouds. But in reality, it is so!  If so, why did the number of lightning strikes suddenly......
Environmental Science

NASA and ISRO Started Working Together to Get a More Accurate Forecast of Natural Disasters in the World

Desk Reporter
NASA and ISRO Started Working Together to Get a More Accurate Forecast of Natural Disasters in the World By Adnan Tazvir A warning was possible to issue for the powerful Cyclone Yaas that made landfall in Odisha and brought significant impacts to West Bengal of India recently. That is why it was possible to......

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