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Coronavirus crisis Bangladesh Police have taken the initiative for Tomatoes
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Agriculture

Coronavirus crisis: Bangladesh Police have taken the initiative for Tomatoes

COVID-19 Coronavirus lockdown crisis: Bangladesh Police have taken the initiative for marketing the Growers Tomatoes among the Traders

Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir (class VIII – English version,
Motijheel Ideal school and college, Dhaka)

Tomato farmers in Panchagarh are smiling as they have started selling tomatoes after taken the initiative by bringing the tomato traders from different districts of the country.

Due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus lockdown, the communication around the country still bring disrupted and movement of the traders also being stopped.

As a result, farmers are not able to do marketing their vegetable products. And the police have taken the initiative to bring tomato traders from these different districts.

As a result of this initiative of the police, the tomato farmers of Panchagarh are quite happy so that they can sell tomatoes at a fair price.

Hence, the vegetables- veggies are being over ripping, rotting, and destroying the farming fields. In this situation, Bangladesh police at Panchagarh District stand up beside the Tomatoes growers.

According to the district agriculture department, tomatoes have been cultivated in 930 hectares of land in Panchagarh this year. Tomato farmers of Panchagarh cultivate summer tomatoes and earn their livelihood for round the year.

It notices that Summer tomatoes only grow only at Panchagarh in Bangladesh. For this, there is a massive demand for these seasonal tomatoes of Panchagarh at this time. Hence tomatoes growers at Panchagar cultivate by investing all the resources as they could, including lending. And day by day this cultivation is increasing. This year also farmers grow more than the previous.

Usually, tomato traders from a different area of the country come to Panchagarh to buy tomatoes in bulk and often carry it to their respective regions for selling. But this time, almost all the institutions in the country being closed due to the coronavirus epidemic.

People in one district are not able to go or come to another region due to lockdown. For this reason, the tomatoes growers at Panchagahr were facing a severe problem of marketing their cultivating tomatoes. Many tomatoes wasted in the field. At this situation,

Bangladesh Police at Panchagarh forwarded to solve this problem, and they created a filiation so that the bulk tomatoes traders can go to the Panchagrah local markets for buying tomatoes and brings those to their respecting marketing region.

Mr. Yusuf Ali, the Superintendent of Police at Panchagarh, said regarding this that he took the initiative to bring tomatoes traders from other districts when he noticed that the tomato farmers are facing a huge loss.

Talking to the local agriculture department and people representatives, they said, “We urged the tomato traders from other districts including Shariatpur, to come to Panchagarh.

When they come here, they were kept in home quarantine for 14 days before to go to markets.” At present, tomatoes sell at TK.10 to TK.12 per kg (1 US dollar ≈ Tk.85).

Source: GreenPage Online News Portal

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