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7:42 am | March 9, 2025
The Green Page
Scientists are creating protein-rich food which are made of air

Scientists are creating protein-rich food which are made of air

Scientists are creating protein-rich food which is made of air

Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir (class VIII – English version,
Motijheel Ideal school and college, Dhaka.)

Some Finnish scientists made protein-rich food through the air. Scientists say that the food will be able to become the competitor of compost as it is rich in protein. The greenhouse gas emission in the preparation of these foods will be almost zero if they are made from transitory electricity, either solar or wind.

Scientists said that in preparing these foods, hydrogen is separated from water by using electrolysis first. Then a protein-rich diet has been created to feed those hydrogen, airborne carbon dioxide and minerals found in soil. Scientists have named it “selen”, which is delicious to eat.

They also reported that this was what they wanted. This protein is not directly consumed, but it is linked to other types of foods and increases its nutritional value. It is possible to make biscuits, pasta, noodles or even artificial meat or fish using it. Moreover, this protein can also be a livestock meal.

It is known that this ‘Selen’ production company is located in Helsinki, Finland. The company’s executive officer, Pasi Waikiki, said the concept of such food production technology came first in the sixties. Initially, such technology was introduced for use in spacecraft.

But they expect that they can finish the work by 2022. They are also raising funds for this project. So far they have collected 5.5 million Euros. They want to start the construction of ‘selen’ at the factory level in 2025.

If the dream of the scientists comes true that they believe that the problems that are currently being created through agriculture can be primarily controlled.

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