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Dhaka, Bangladesh
12:51 am | March 7, 2025
The Green Page
Sweat Water Fishes of Bangladesh Are Under Treat of Extinction

Sweat Water Fishes of Bangladesh Are Under Treat of Extinction Due Lack of Consensus

Sweat Water Fishes of Bangladesh Are Under Treat of Extinction Due Lack of Consensus

People of Bangladesh are destroying various species of fishes as well as environments. In this country, fishes are caught right before they lay eggs.

There are many rules and regulations on catching Hilsa. But these kinds of steps are not seen in the cases of local fish hunting. Moreover, if people aren’t aware then the actions of the government won’t work. Soon the fishes will lay eggs in the water. But in many places, egg-laying fish are already being hunted.

Every year in the early monsoon the fishermen begin fishing. They mostly catch egg-laying fishes.

Local fishes are already decreasing due to the use of pesticides in the agriculture fields. But this is not the only reason for its extinction.

Climate change is marked as the main cause of the extinction of local fishes in Bangladesh. But there are other reasons too.

Natural calamities, too much usage of pesticides in the agriculture fields, decreasing navigability of rivers, construction of dams across the river at the upstream of the and diverting the river flow for irrigation,

catching fishes before laying eggs, illegal use of current nets (Nets are that capable to catch even 2 or 3-millimeter sizes fish), disturbance of fish breeding, and many more reasons are responsible for the extinction of over 50 species of local fishes in Bangladesh.

Nowadays local fishes are less likely to be found in the fish-markets than before and mostly farmed fishes are available. As before,

Cyprinus (Chela) cachius
chela (Salmostoma acinaces)

File:Anabas testudineus.png
native Koi (Climbing perch – Anabas cobojius)

File:Clarias batrachus.jpg
Magur ( Walking Catfish -Clarias batrachus)

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Sarpunti (Olive barb- Puntius sarana),

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kani Pada (Butter catfish -Ompok bimaculatus)

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Kakila (Freshwater garfish -Xenentodon cancila)

Gutum (Guntea loach- Lepidocephalichthys guntea)

Gojar ( Great snakehead -Channa marulius)

Darkina (Slender rasbora-Rasbora daniconius)

File:Barilius barila Fish Borali in Bengali.jpg
Bairali ( Barred bari- Barilius barila)

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Shing (Heteropneustes – Silurus fossilis)

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Punti(Punctius ticto)
Gabus 070909 0074 rwg.jpg

Tak i( Spotted snakehead -Channa punctata)
Taki ( Spotted snakehead -Channa punctata)

Phali (Bronze featherback - Notopterus notopterus)
Phali (Bronze featherback – Notopterus notopterus)

Chital ( Clown - Chitala ornatafeatherback)
Chital ( Clown – Chitala ornatafeatherback)

Baila (Awaous guamensis)
Baila (Awaous guamensis)

Tengra (Macrones vittalus)
Tengra (Macrones vittalus)

and many other species of fish are not available. According to the data of the Department of Fisheries in 2018, the number of lost local species of fish is more than 250 spices.

People of all stages including the literate persons of the village have to come forward and take necessary steps alongside the government.

Saving the local species of fishes will be possible only if the literate people of the village come forward. If the literate members of a family raise awareness among the other members then it can help a lot to save the local fishes.

Therefore, this is the right time to protect the local fish from one’s place under one’s own responsibility.

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