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taltala canal is almost dead in khulna, bangladesh
Aivee Akther Bangladesh Environment Pollution

Taltala canal is almost dead in Khulna, Bangladesh

Taltala canal is almost dead in Khulna, Bangladesh


The Khulna City Corporation’s Taltala canal is now nearly full of garbage. The canal is now completely overgrown with grass, weeds, and aquatic plants.

Due to waste deposition and because of this, the drainage flow has come to a total halt. Besides, the illegal occupation of households and cattle farms along the canal has added an extra burden.

The drainage canal cannot play any role in alleviating the city’s waterlogging. The canal also becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

The Local peoples complain is that the canal is going to its extinction due to pollution and illegal occupation. The canal will vanish in no time unless its large-scale excavations immediately.

The canal begins from the city’s tiny Boyra Karim Nagar residential enclave (near Gate No. 1). Over a kilometer, it falls into the Mayur River, which runs through the city.

About 200 meters after its offtake from Muzgunni highway, the paved road of Daktarpara passed over the canal, and at the passing point, an undersized culvert was built off the road.

The canal started narrowing from that narrowed culvert, and illegal occupying began on both sides, getting an opportunity. Several cattle farms besides the canal and cattle waste dumping into the canal became a common scenario.

After the Daktarpara road’s narrowed culvert, running a little further, another narrowed culvert created an obstacle from upstream flowing.

Just downstream it, in the middle of the canal, there is a garbage dump and at this portion of the canal filled with Aquatic weeds until it falling point to the Mayur river.

The water in total length is invisible due to garbage, and it is impossible to stand by its sides due to the pungent stench.

According to locals, the canal boundary was set out 10-11 years ago and excavated in 2015. However, the whatsoever excavation did not seem to be used rather than damaging the canal.

It knew that its excavated soils were kept at its bank during the canal’s excavation instead of carrying them far away. Gradually, a path was created to move through that soil.

Later the city corporation built a road about 15 feet wide there. The locals know the road as Haji Abdur Rahman Road. The reduction of the canal’s width happened due to the construction of that road.

According to Khulna City Corporation sources, an estimation process is underway to excavate the canal. Though the first differentiation took place in 2009, the illegal occupying continued.

New demarcation work is underway. Miking will be done to evict illegal installations within a week. After completing the demarcation, the whole branch will make the estimate quickly.

Abdur Rahim, a resident of the local Hasanbagh area, said the canal now seemed to start from the Muzgunni highway in front of the Karimnagar residential area, but it was longer.

Since the construction of the Muzgunni highway, the length of the canal has decreased. Large boats used to sail in this canal. People in the area used to fish in the canal. For various reasons, the canal has become smaller now. The road on the side of the canal five-six years ago was also in the canal.

Another resident, Abul Hashem, said water could not move through the canal. This canal is also home to mosquitoes. Even then, if the canals had got correctly dug, there would not have been waterlogging in Boyra, Chhota Boyra, and Karimnagar areas.

Nuruzzaman Talukder, estate officer of Khulna City Corporation, said to work on a project worth BDT.823 crore is underway to reduce waterlogging and improve the sewerage system in the city.

Under the project, the canal will be excavated with side walls (guide walls) on both sides. There will be walkways on both sides of the channel. An estimate will be made in this regard very soon.

Regarding the construction of the city corporation road over the canal, Nuruzzaman Talukder said that people build houses in Khulna without leaving even an inch of space.

The same thing happened with that canal. The road has made that way as it has become a way to move along the canal. Moreover, it is true; the road is a bit on the canal.

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