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the bangladesh government is creating a database on climate change
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The Bangladesh government is creating a database on climate change

The Bangladesh government is creating a database on climate change

 Dr. Farhina Ahmed, Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC), Bangladesh, said,

“According to the Paris Climate Agreement 2015, the government is working to prepare a complete, transparent, and verifiable database regularly at the national level for the energy, agriculture, forest, industry, etc. sectors of Bangladesh.”

“Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Environment, Bangladesh, to make the process of collecting data related to greenhouse gas emissions,

climate change adaptation and mitigation more sustainable and to analyze that data and submit it to UNFCCC in the form of a national report,” she added.

She said this at the MoU signing ceremony held under the project titled ‘ Strengthening Capacity for Environmental Emissions under the Paris Agreement in Bangladesh’ under the implementation of the Department of Environment, Bangladesh, at Hotel Intercontinental

Bangladesh has developed a web-based system to gather information on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change adaptation, and mitigation.

The system will make data collection easier, less expensive, and verifiable,” made this announcement by the Secretary. “In this system, stakeholders can enter their data and see the analysis made using that data,” she informed.

Dr. Abdul Hamid, Director General of the Department of Environment, Bangladesh, presided over the event. Dr. Shahnaz Arefin NDC Secretary of Statistics and Matiar Rahman, Information Management Department, was present as the chief guest.

Among others, the Director General of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, the Additional Secretary (Climate Change) of the Ministry of Environment, and various government and non-governmental organization officials and representatives of development aid organizations were present.

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