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10:05 pm | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
usaids different challenges to address climate change
Aivee Akther International Environment

USAID’s different Challenges to Address Climate Change

USAID’s different Challenges to Address Climate Change


USAID will start a competition with innovators, entrepreneurs, and humanitarian organizations to solve various humanitarian crises in Bangladesh.

This particular competition has been organized to support the implementation of innovative, timely, and local solutions to various problems, including natural disasters and climate change in Bangladesh.

This competition aims to create a strong support structure for humanitarian innovators in Bangladesh, which will help them implement their initiatives and innovations by overcoming various obstacles.

The competition is a part of the ‘Accelerating Innovation for Resilience’ project. The competition has inaugurated on August 6, 2022. It organizes by the Global Knowledge Initiative and supports by Spring Activator.

Three US#3.00.000 have been allocated for the contestants under this project. Participants in the competition will receive financial support, training, networking, administrative support, and opportunities to undertake coordinated activities with other organizations.

Apart from this, they will get the opportunity to work with various domestic and foreign investment organizations, researchers, and educational institutions.

Through this competition, the organizers hope that the contestants will be able to highlight some long-lasting and sustainable solutions to control the effects of various humanitarian crises and climate change in the current context of Bangladesh.

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