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7:09 am | February 10, 2025
The Green Page
Winter Agriculture (Ogrohayon- Mug) in Bangladesh

Winter Agriculture (Ogrohayon- Mug) in Bangladesh

Winter Agriculture (Ogrohayon- Mug) in Bangladesh

On behalf of www.greenpage.com.bd wishes for harvest festival to all agrarian siblings. In parallel with the festival of harvest, the greater agricultural life also becomes festive. Because this season is a relatively fruitful season for agriculture. Now let us know what we have to do in agriculture this season.

Aman paddy

  • This month, many Aman paddy will be ripe, so the paddies should be cut on sunny days;
  • In the area prone to the cyclone, Aman paddy should be cut if it’s 80 percent ripe;
  • Immediately after cutting the Aman paddy, the land should be kept under cultivation, so that the soil juice is less dry through evaporation;
  • In the coastal areas, Khesari (one of variety of Pulse) can be planted as a relay crop before cutting the Aman paddy;
  • If someone wants to keep the seeds for next season, one must first select the crop with a healthy good production. Then after cutting, shaving and drying, the paddy should be well dried. The dried hot rice should be cleaned again and left in the shade to cool. Clean cold paddy should be stored in air-tight containers. The seed container should be kept on the board, not on the ground or floor. To get rid of pest infestation, the leaves of Neem, Nishinda and Lantana should be dried and mixed with rice.

Boro paddy

  • Ogrohayon month (15th November to 17th December) is the perfect time to make Boro paddy seedling. A fertile and irrigated land should be selected for seedling where sunlight falls;
  • Prior to cultivation, the soil should be well prepared with 2-3 kg of organic fertilizer per sq. M.
  • The soil should be made of mud with water, one meter wide and the seedbed should be made according to the length of the land;
  • In a cold areas, dry seedbed can be made. 25-30 cm drain should be kept between every two plots.
  • In areas where there is a shortage of irrigation water, BRRI Paddy28, BRRI Paddy45 and BRRI Paddy55 can be cultivated as an advance breed. For fertile land where there is no water shortage, BRRI Paddy29, BRRI Paddy50, BRRI Paddy58, BRRI Paddy59, BRRI Paddy60, BRRI Hybrid Paddy1, BRRI Hybrid Paddy2 and BRRI Hybrid Paddy3 can be planted. In the cold area, BRRI Paddy36 and in haor area, BR 17, BR 18, BR 19 and in saline area, BRRI Paddy55, BRRI Paddy61 can be cultivated.
  • The seeds should be submerged for 60-70 hours before sowing. During this time the paddy shoots will grow. Sprouted seeds should be sown in the seedbed. For every sq. M. seed sowing, 80-100 gram seeds are required.


  • The ideal time to sow wheat is from the beginning of the season to mid-Ogrohayon (at the beginning of December). Then, as long as the wheat is sown, the yield will also decrease.
  • Wheat grows well on loamy soil;
  • For higher yield, new varieties of wheat like Shatabdi, Sufi, Bijay, Pradeep, Ananda, Barkat, Kanchan, Saurav, Gaurav, Bari wheat-25, Bari wheat-26 are to be sown ( Bangladeshi varieties names);
  • Seeds should be cleansed with approved fungicide before sowing;
  • For irrigated cultivation, 16 kg of seeds should be sown per bigha (Per 0.25 hac.) and for non-irrigated cultivation, 13 kg per bigha should be sown;
  • In order to get a good yield, 30-40 kg of organic fertilizer, 600-700 grams of Urea, 600-700 grams TSP, 300-400 grams MOP, 400-500 grams Gypsum should be applied to each shotok ( 1 shotak = 435.6 sq. ft.) area.
  • All the fertilizer except Urea should be applied during the last cultivation of the land and then Urea should be applied on top in three installments;
  • Three times irrigation brings the good yield of wheat. The first irrigation should be given within 17-21 days after sowing, second irrigation within 45-60 days and third irrigation within 75-80 days.


  • It should plant the beginning of this season;
  • The advanced varieties of corn variety are Bari corn-6, Bari corn-7, Bari hybrid corn-6, Bari hybrid corn-7, Bari hybrid corn-8, Bari hybrid corn-9, Bari hybrid corn-10 and Bari hybrid corn-11 (Bangladeshi varieties);
  • Around 25-30 kg of corn seed is required for each hectare cultivation. However, in the case of parched corn or hybrid the seed amount will be half of that;
  • Seeds should be sown in row-wise for a good yield. In this case, the distance from row to row should be 75 cm and the distance from seed to seed should be 25 cm;
  • If fertilizer is applied after the soil tests, there will be a good result at a low cost. However, in general, 1-3.5 kg Urea, 700-900 grams TSP, 400-600 grams MOP, 600-700 grams Gypsum, 40-60 grams Zinc, 20-30 grams Boric acid and 16-20 kg organic fertilizers are needed to apply in each decimal( 435.6 sq. ft.) of the land.

Mustard and other oil crops

  • Mustard is one of the special crops of oil crops. Besides, sesame, lint, sunflower can be planted;
  • After 20-25 days of Mustard seedling, 300 grams of Urea fertilizer should be applied on the surface;
  • After applying the Urea, light irrigation should be provided;
  • If the soil surface water is dried then irrigation should be given again after 20-25 days.


  • Potato cultivation can also be started in the coastal areas in this season mostly Nov. – Dec.;
  • Proper care should be taken on potato crops planted elsewhere;
  • The clay needs to be tied and soil needs to be put on the clay.
  • Weeds need to be cleansed with necessary irrigation along with fertilization.

Pulse crop

  • Pulse is an important crop for us. There are many pulse crops such as Moog, Lentils, Peas, Khesari, Chickpeas, and Soybeans and so on in the field.
  • The desired yield will be obtained if fertilizer application, necessary irrigation, weed cleaning, pest management etc. care can be taken timely.


  • Many vegetables in that field are now in the growing level;
  • When the Cauliflower, Cabbage, Turnip, Radish are growing, the soil must be raised at the base of the sapling;
  • The fertilizer should be applied on the surface after 2-3 weeks of seedling;
  • Weeds, diseases and insects in the vegetable fields should be controlled. In this case, the sex pheromone trap can be used. In addition to suppressing insects, the environment will be good.
  • Irrigation should be provided to the land if necessary;
  • Extra stems of tomato plants should be broken and tied to a pole;
  • One can cultivate Tomatoes and Pumpkin in the rails of the enclosure.

Other Robi crops

  • The field now has the initial growth phase of many essential crops including Sweet Potato, Sugar cane, Cowan ( Foxtail Millet), Onion, Garlic, Chili;
  • If it can ensure good care at this time, it will bring outstanding results;
  • If any of these crops have not yet been planted, it should be planted without delay. However, extra care must be taken in this regard;
  • Drought tolerant chickpeas, moogs, sesame seeds, lint, barley can be sown till the third week of the month.

The plants

  • Care should be taken on fruit plants, herb trees or forest trees that are planted in the last rainy season.
  • At the base of the tree, the soil should be loosened and weeds should be cleaned. If necessary, the tree should be tied to the poles.
  • If it applies Jabra at the base of the tree, it will hold water.
  • If the amount of juice in the soil is reduced then irrigation should be provided at the base of the tree.
  • At this time, the growth of the tree is less so at least now it will not be ok to cut down the stems of the tree.


  • Now is a good time to hatch a baby from that poultry egg.
  • Besides, winter is ahead. In winter, the disease attack in poultry increases, and Pandemics, Mycoplasma, Foul typhoid, Pox and Cholera can be epidemic. To prevent poultry from these diseases, vaccination should be taken this month.
  • This month there is no shortage of livestock food. Especially of raw grass. Therefore, Silage can be made from the Corn, pulse, grass, etc. along with Aman rice can be kept for the future.
  • At that time, livestock diseases may appear like rash, spasm, sore throat. As soon as the disease appears in cattle, action should be taken in consultation with the veterinarian.


  • Fish food can be made by vegetable food and animal food using dung, garbage fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. This quantity must be applied;
  • The health of the fish should be checked by pulling the net;
  • If needed then apply lime or mulberry in consultation with fisheries expert;
  • To ensure the sunlight falls on the pond, the branches of the tree should be cut and cleaned around the pond;
  • If Para, Napier or another kind of grasses are cultivated on the slopes of the pond, extra crops can be produced and it can be used as the food for Carp fish;
  • Consultation is needed with the Govt. local Fisheries officers (Upazila Fisheries Officers) for appropriate suggestions regarding this. If needed also may be consulted with higher officers such as Deputy Assistant Agricultural Officer or Upazila Agriculture/Fisheries/ Livestock Specialists for detailed strategies.

SourceGreen Page (Bangla version) by Agronomist Mohammad Manzoor Hossain {Information Officer (Agriculture), Agricultural Information Service, Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka1215, ioag@ais.gov.bd}

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