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COVID-19 coronavirus Symptom: Sudden Fall of Taste and Smell Probably the Primary Sign of Infection

COVID-19 coronavirus Symptom: Sudden Fall of Taste and Smell Probably the Primary Sign of Infection

COVID-19 coronavirus Symptom: Sudden Fall of Taste and Smell Probably the Primary Sign of Infection

By Sabiha Chandni

We are being known, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 Coronavirus are dry cough and fever firstly and then tiredness. And less common symptoms are aches and pains, sore throat and diarrhea, headache, etc. which are gradually developing.

After seven days, the symptoms became severe and starting difficulty breathing or shortness of breath and then chest pain or pressure, then the loss of speech or movement, etc.

But one study after another says, losing taste and smell are the main symptoms of COVID-19 Coronavirus rather than fever and cough.

Dan, a physiotherapist at West Midlands Hospital in England, began to face difficulties in breathing through his nose. He presumed that he had hay fever as an allergy from flower pollen.

But when he didn’t get any smell while eating boiled bean sprouts in tomato sauce with the bread, the 23 years young man became restless.

একের পর এক গবেষণা বলছে, জ্বর-কাশির চেয়ে স্বাদ-গন্ধ হারানোই কোভিড রোগের প্রধান উপসর্গ হয়ে দেখা দিচ্ছে
Caption – GETTY

“I assumed that there was another problem. I drank a full glass of orange squash, but this time also I couldn’t smell anything.”

Had he infected by COVID-19 Coronavirus; doubts came up in his mind. He called the emergency health helpline 111, but when they heard that “There is no fever or cough,” they Vensured him no worries.

Overpassing the advice of the Health department, Den went home in isolation. Along with Den, his mother and sister Dehim are living at home. The mother works on the elder’s foot health, and the sister is an ICU nurse at a children’s hospital.

Hearing of his anxiety, Dan’s manager arranged his COVID-19 Coronavirus test. A few days later, its shown that he was COVID-19 Coronavirus positive.

দেখা যাচ্ছে, আক্রান্ত রোগীদের মধ্যে অনেকে জ্বর বা কাশি শুরুর আগেই স্বাদ-গন্ধ হারিয়ে ফেলছে।
It observed that many of the infected patients lose their taste and smell before the beginning of fever or cough. | Caption: GETTY IMAGES

” If I Followed the instructions of the government, and I had regularly gone to my work and serving the patients, I might have spread the virus to so many people.”

Till now, the National Health Service (NHS) in England considers high body temperature and frequent coughing to be the two significant symptoms of COVID-19 Coronavirus.

But the results of one study after another expose that infected patients lose their taste and smell before the onset of fever or cough.

The President of the British Rhinological Society and a top nose-ear-throat specialist, Professor Claire Hopkins, says that a sudden loss of taste and smell can be a more “reliable” symptom of COVID-19 Coronavirus rather than fever or cough.

He and many of his fellow is disappointed with why the government is still not paying attention to this symptom.

For the last two months, Professor Hopkins has been saying that if people see signs of fall of taste and smell, they should advise going for quick isolation as soon as possible.

Last 19 March, the British Association of Nose-Ear-Throat Specialists committee released the first press issue and said that COVID-19 Coronavirus patients were talking about the loss of taste and smell.

স্বাদ-গন্ধ চলে যাওয়ার পর কোভিডের পরীক্ষা করাতে এসেছেন একজন ব্রিটিশ
After the taste and smell had gone away, A British man came to test COVID-19 Coronavirus. Credit – GETTY

Professor Hopkins says, “Two months ahead, we were just doubtful, but now this doubt demands consideration.”


The only symptom of loss of taste and smell

Professor Claire Hopkins says that infection of COVID-19 Coronavirus disease can be a result of a sudden loss of taste. It can happen even if the nose is not closed in the cold.

This symptom may appear at the beginning of being infected with the virus, or it may also appear in parallel with other symptoms.

He says that the only symptom is the loss of taste and smell in some cases. Patients are not able to eat. Professor Claire says it is more common in people under the age of 40.

However, the UK Department of Health is still investigating whether loss of taste and smell should include coronavirus symptoms.

However, the World Health Organization, along with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and France have already listed a sudden loss of taste and odor as a symptom of COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Evidence found in one study after another

One study after another says that those infected by COVID-19 Coronavirus coronavirus are talking about the loss of taste and smell.

King’s College, London, developed a COVID-19 Coronavirus tracker App. It has shown that the users of this App by the COVID-19 Coronavirus infected patient, among these users, 59 percent of them said that suddenly they didn’t get smell through their nose even they have no taste in their tongue.

A combined study by King’s College and the University of Nottingham in England and the University of Massachusetts in the United States found that nearly 7,000 people tested positive by the App, and 65 percent said they had lost their ability to taste.

স্বাদ-গন্ধের ক্ষমতা ফিরে আসছে কিনা তা বুঝতে ড্যান এখন প্রতিদিনই লবণ-ভিনেগার মেশানো আলুর চিপস খাচ্ছেন
Now everyday dan is eating potato chips mixed with salt and vinegar to confirm if he is getting back his sense of taste. | Credit – GETTY

These researchers say the loss of taste and smell should be considered a more certain symptom of COVID-19 Coronavirus than a fiver.


It may take one year and a half to get the smell back

The feelings of taste and smell returns within seven to fourteen days of being infected, says Professor Claire Hopkins, a British nose-ear-throat specialist. But in some cases, 10 percent of patients take longer.

He says that in some cases, the patient can lose his ability to smell forever under being infected with the virus. Sometimes it may take a year and a half to get it back.

On this topic, Professor Hopkins is working with several doctors in Italy, France, Spain, and Belgium. They all agree that if someone instantly loses their taste and smell without getting a head injury or the nose is not closed in the cold, they have more likely to be infected with the coronavirus.

Through research, we have seen that people who lose taste or smell without any symptom have a more than 95% chance of being infected by the coronavirus.

Professor Hopkins says that fever is not a very believable symptom of COVID-19 Coronavirus, rather than people could have an illness for a variety of reasons. That about 40 percent of COVID-19 Coronavirus victim patients have a fever.

Professor Hopkins thinks that people have 9the lost the taste and odor but have worked in emergency services; they may have played a role in the expansion of the virus.

Even, the experts advising the government in Britain are still not able to reach a decision, they don’t know how much importance they should give to the symptoms of loss of taste and smell as a sign of coronavirus.

Howsoever, now every day Dan eats potato chips mixed with salt and vinegar if he gets back his taste. Even he says that whereas the feeling has returned a bit, but the smell is still not pleasant.

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