15 C
Dhaka, Bangladesh
1:21 am | January 10, 2025
The Green Page
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Environmental Economics Environmental Problems

The Mystery of the Ice in the North Pole Sea: Within 2050, no ice will see in the North Pole region

Desk Reporter
The Mystery of the Ice in the North Pole Sea: Within 2050, no ice will see in the North Pole region Adnan Mahfuz We are worried about the melting of the iceberg. Everyone knows about climate change and global warming. Various social and organizational movements have already been started worldwide......
Environment Protection Environmental Economics

Renewable Energy for Environmental Protection

Desk Reporter
Renewable Energy for Environmental Protection Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam (Converted into English: Zeba Tarannum) Re-usable natural resources use as renewable energy. Renewable energy is known as ‘Green Energy’ or ‘Clean Energy’ because it is eco-friendly. Due to the increasing environmental catastrophe in the world, it has become impossible to live......
Amila Khan Environmental Economics

Reasons for Banning Piranha and African Catfish

Desk Reporter
Reasons for Banning Piranha and African Catfish By Amila Khan The government of Bangladesh has banned the production, marketing, and sale of Piranha fish in many countries, due to its monstrous nature. The government has completely banned piranha fish farming, production, fry production, breeding, market selling, and purchase from the......
Environmental Economics Rahman Mahfuz

The Blue Economy and The Maritime Victory-Opened a door of Immeasurable potential Economic growth for Bangladesh

Desk Reporter
The Blue Economy (নীল অর্থনীতি) and The Maritime Victory-Opened a door of Immeasurable potential Economic growth for Bangladesh The sea, the ocean, and the blue saltwater – it seems all the resources of the earth are drowned in that water. It is like the Thakur ma jhuli’s fairytale (the grandmother’s......
Environmental Economics Rahman Mahfuz

Corona’s Collapsed Economy – Agriculture Could be the Main Dynamic Force of the Economy

Desk Reporter
Corona’s Collapsed Economy – Agriculture Could be the Main Dynamic Force of the Economy “In such a situation, it might be the major challenge for those countries with low economies, comprising Bangladesh- feeding a huge population. People consume more food with different tastes if they spend hours after hours at......
Environmental Economics

Making Bricks by Using Waste Plastic- A Bright Prospect of Reduction of Pollution

Desk Reporter
Making Bricks by Using Waste Plastic- A Bright Prospect of Reduction of Pollution -Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir(class VIII – English version, Motijheel Ideal school and college, Dhaka.) Recently members of a Social welfare club of Palla road, Memari, West Bengal, India showed that they made bricks by using waste plastic instead......

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