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Dhaka, Bangladesh
12:19 am | March 6, 2025
The Green Page
Environmental Features Environmental Science Md. Toriqule Islam

Geo-polymer Concrete with recycled wastes: Concrete for Green Future

Desk Reporter
Geo-polymer Concrete with recycled wastes: Concrete for Green Future Concrete is the inevitable material in construction and without concrete, none can think of a modern world and recent breakthroughs of neoteric civilization. Close upon, next to the water, concrete is the most used material in the world. Consequently, to meet......
Aivee Akther Environmental Features Environmental Science

The Energy Scenario of Bangladesh

Desk Reporter
The Energy Scenario of Bangladesh Energy is essential for every country’s economic growth and significantly improves socioeconomic conditions (i.e., reducing poverty) in poorer countries. Energy plays a vital role to accelerate economic development in a middle-income country like Bangladesh. However, the effective and efficient use of Bangladesh’s energy sector will allow......
Environmental Science Zeba Tarannum

A new instrument now used to examine Mars’ land

Desk Reporter
A new instrument now used to examine Mars’ land National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Mars 2020 mission is proceeding fast. From now on, Rover Perseverance will go far from the place it used to roam and collect samples from the land of the red planet. A helicopter named Ingenuity, which is associated with Perseverance, will......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science Natural Environment

Forestry and plant propagation now rely heavily on elephants

Desk Reporter
Forestry and plant propagation now rely heavily on elephants Elephants are the world’s most giant and most ruthless herbivores. They are continuously helping nature to integrate its biodiversity and ecosystem. Elephants provide four significant contributions to plant growth and afforestation. First and foremost, elephants contribute to reforestation and plant growth......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

The Earth Planet has started getting the result of Climate Unawareness

Desk Reporter
The Earth Planet has started getting the result of Climate Unawareness The people of Germany have never faced such immediate destruction and death due to flood. Since World War II, the people of Germany have not to face such immediate destruction and death. The people here have been stunned to......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science International Environment

World Tiger Day: Various initiatives of Bangladesh forest department for tiger protection

Desk Reporter
World Tiger Day: Various initiatives of Bangladesh forest department for tiger protection The Forest Department (Bangladesh) has taken more steps to protect tigers, such as declaring more than half of the entire Sundarbans in Bangladesh part as a protected forest for the free movement of tigers. In addition, the expansion......
Environmental Science Zeba Tarannum

It’s very Alarming! Florida is about to sink in 12 Gigatonnes ice melting water

Desk Reporter
It’s very Alarming! Florida is about to sink in 12 Gigatonnes ice melting water The danger is approaching at present due to the rapid ice melt in Greenland. According to a survey by a University in Belgium, Greenland ice will melt so fast that it will inundate Florida by 2......
Environmental Science International Environment Zeba Tarannum

Turkey began to cut an artificial channel named ‘Canal Istanbul,’ an alternate of Bosporus

Desk Reporter
Turkey began to cut an artificial channel named ‘Canal Istanbul,’ an alternate of Bosporus Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey, has finally started working to fulfill that dream after conducting various surveys for long ten-years. He inaugurated a canal excavation project by dividing the largest city of the country,......

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