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Dhaka, Bangladesh
8:07 am | March 5, 2025
The Green Page
Aivee Akther Environmental Science Health

Climate change is having a massive impact on maternal health

Desk Reporter
Climate change is having a massive impact on maternal health Maternal and reproductive health are most at risk from the effects of climate change. This risk to maternal health also affects the child. The rate of premature births, infants with low birth weight, and stillbirths are on the increase. The......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

Bangladesh is building the country’s first waste-to-energy generating plant

Desk Reporter
To protect the environment, Bangladesh is building the country’s first waste-to-energy generating plant The country’s first waste-to-energy power plant project is underway at Amin Bazar landfill expansion zone under the Dhaka North City Corporation’s (DNCC) aim for environmental protection. If all goes well, the project will see the light of......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

Oxygen will reduce gradually; most of the world’s life is at risk!

Desk Reporter
Oxygen will reduce gradually; most of the world’s life is at risk! There is no shortage of oxygen in today’s world. But this oxygen-filled blue planet was not like that forever. Scientists fear that in the future, the Earth will be the same as in the past. The atmosphere will......
Aivee Akther Environmental Features Environmental Science

Coal-fired power plants: Producing electricity or Pollutants?

Desk Reporter
Coal-fired power plants: Producing electricity or Pollutants? We are all quite familiar with power plants that generate electricity to suit our daily needs. Based on the primary source of energy we can observe various types of power plants such as Nuclear power stations, hydroelectric power plants, coal-fired power plants, diesel-fired......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

Bangladesh is providing adequate assistance for the export of climate-friendly Air conditioner

Desk Reporter
Bangladesh is providing adequate assistance for the export of climate-friendly Air conditioner Md. Shahab Uddin, the minister of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MoEFCC), (Bangladesh) informed that Bangladesh is encouraging climate-friendly alternative technologies to implement the Hydro-chloro-fluoro-carbons (HCFCs) Phase-out Management Plan (Stage-2) a part of protecting the ozone layer. He is......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

Research reveals that the Earth’s brightness is declining

Desk Reporter
Research reveals that the Earth’s brightness is declining The brightness of the Earth is gradually decreasing. In the last twenty years, the reflection of sunlight was less than 1 watt per square meter. As a result of global climate change and rising sea levels, the world is becoming increasingly pale.......
Environmental Features Environmental Science Md. Kamrul Hasan

Plastic wastes to the construction industry: An effective solution to prevent pollution

Desk Reporter
Plastic wastes to the construction industry: An effective solution to prevent pollution Concrete is a building material consisting of a hard, chemically inert particulate element called aggregate (usually sand and gravel), bound with cement and water in the construction industry. Concrete has been essential to the Earth’s colonization. The Romans......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science

On Mars, strong evidence of the presence of water discovered

Desk Reporter
On Mars, strong evidence of the presence of water discovered  Until now, several attempts to find out the existence of life outside our Earth continued. Scientists’ first choice to explore this fascination is at our neighboring planet Mars. Does water exist there? This question remains eternal. However, all the recent research......

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