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Dhaka, Bangladesh
3:45 pm | March 1, 2025
The Green Page
Environmental Problems International Environment Vultures

Annually 100,000 people died in India due to the decline of vultures

Desk Reporter
Annually 100,000 people died in India due to the decline of Vultures Once upon a time, large numbers of vultures were seen all over India. These special birds used to fly over garbage heaps and in search of dead animals. Vultures have been seen getting into airplane engines at airports,......
Aivee Akther Health

The incidence of Pneumonia is on the rise as a result of environmental pollution and mismanagement 

Desk Reporter
The incidence of Pneumonia is on the rise as a result of environmental pollution and mismanagement Experts claim that “The risk of Pneumonia a lung infection, getting triggered by environmental pollution or mismanagement in Bangladesh. The environment mismanagement includes air pollution, inadequate ventilation, and lack of personal hygiene, safe water......
Aivee Akther Environmental Science Health

Climate change is having a massive impact on maternal health

Desk Reporter
Climate change is having a massive impact on maternal health Maternal and reproductive health are most at risk from the effects of climate change. This risk to maternal health also affects the child. The rate of premature births, infants with low birth weight, and stillbirths are on the increase. The......
Adnan Mahfuz Tazvir Health

Artemisia Plant in the treatment of corona is an ideal model to the scientists

Desk Reporter
Artemisia Plant in the treatment of corona is an ideal model to the scientists By Adnan Mahfuz When many countries around the world are plagued by coronavirus outbreaks, in April of this year, news from around the world responded to a report from the African island nation of Madagascar. The......
Health Sadman Sad

Goethe plant: A Unique Medicinal Plant

Desk Reporter
Goethe plant: A Unique Medicinal Plant Sadman Sad Its Scientific name is Bryophyllum pinnatum. In Bengali, it is also known as Pathor Kunchi (পাথর কুঁচি. It’s also called also air plant, cathedral bells, life plant, and miracle leaf. It is one of the most important medicinal plants that has been......
Health Sadman Sad The Bunia Virus

The Bunia Virus: A New Infectious Disease Spreading Like COVID 19

Desk Reporter
The Bunia Virus: A New Infectious Disease Spreading Like COVID 19 Sadman Sad Another severe virus has struck Inthei in Jiangsu province and Anhui province of China. The disease is called the Fever Youth Thrombocytomania Syndrome, SFTS. Seven people have already died in the epidemic. Another 60 people were affected.......
Health Rahman Mahfuz

Breastfeeding is the Right of the Newborn child, No Parents has Right to Deprive their child

Desk Reporter
Breastfeeding is the Right of the Newborn child, No Parents has Right to Deprive their child In the case of the female race at birth, the Creator builds the infrastructure in her body to breastfeed her future child. When a woman becomes pregnant, and the child grows inside her body,......

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